
Brief Report on Microfinance's Present State in the World

A look at the growth of microfinance in the world
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This report by PlaNet Finance, proposes a synthesis of the main results of a study on the evolution of microfinance in the world. It is published by the Microcredit Summit Campaign, an American non-governmental organization. The report highlights:

  • The objectives of the Microcredit Summit Campaign (the Campaign);
  • The growth in the access to microfinance in the world.

It presents the data collected by the Campaign, providing information about:

  • The number of clients with access to microcredit;
  • The distribution of microfinance institutions (MFIs) over the world;
  • The growth of microcredit for the poorest;
  • Its outreach towards the poorest women.

The report identifies the following future challenges for microfinance:

  • Resistance from international agencies to the allocation of funds to the poorest;
  • The lack of poverty measurement tools.

The report concludes with a discussion of the following aspects of PlaNet Finance:

  • Its role in supporting MFIs and accelerating their growth;
  • Its members;
  • Its success in mobilizing the private sector and the international community to support the microfinance sector.

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